Pharmacy owners academy

Academy charter information


  • Support KPhA in its mission to the promote and advance quality and rational public health, with particular reference to assuring optimal pharmacotherapy for the citizens of Kansas (KPhA Bylaws, Article III Section 2).
  • Represent the interest of pharmacy owners and managers on the KPhA Board of Directors.
  • Increase the knowledge, empathy, sustainability, and membership of pharmacy owners in the state of Kansas.
  • Extend its knowledge and altruism to all other academies in KPhA to provide continuity of communication and ultimately the best pharmaceutical care for Kansans.


To advance public health by promoting the professional interests of the academy membership by:

  • Educating pharmacy owners and managers on current drug trends, wholesaler issues, new therapies, legislative issues, marketing, business and management trends
  • Attaining political influence that promotes pharmacy ownership and sustainability
  • Fostering communication between owners and managers to share ideas and resources
  • Sustaining and increasing membership in the academy & KPhA
  • Promoting “Outreach” programs designed to serve and educate pharmacy care patrons as well as other health care professionals
  • Providing a database of pharmacy owners contact information and a platform for communication (i.e. website presence on current KPhA website)
  • Documenting the pharmaceutical care needs of Kansans
  • Advising and making recommendations to the KPhA Board of Directors on behalf of academy membership


  • Serves 2 year term; elected in even years

Tyler Williams, PharmD

Valley Falls Pharmacy

Valley Falls, KS


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