
*Position Open*

Executive Director,

Kansas Pharmacists Association

Kansas Pharmacy Foundation

Interested in leading our team? Send inquiries to

Amanda Applegate, PharmD, BCACP

Director, Practice Development

Managing Network Facilitator, CPESN Kansas

Before working at KPhA, Amanda spent 10 years as immunization coordinator with Balls Food Stores, a small chain of pharmacies in the Kansas City metro area, providing education for pharmacists and technicians in workflow management, clinical information, and patient counseling. She also managed influenza vaccine orders and rollout of several new vaccines. Amanda also brings several years worth of work on the KPhA Board of Directors to her role and is a past-president of the association. She and husband, Ryan Wing, live in Lenexa.

Jennifer Clark

Director, Events + Education + Engagement

Jennifer came to KPhA from the world of print and online journalism, working for several Kansas newspapers as a reporter and/or online editor for the majority of her career. After a few years with a local niche-market magazine company, she found her way to KPhA and made her mark in event planning. Jennifer, and her husband, Bob, live in Topeka. They have four children (two grown and on their own, one in college, and one in high school), three grandsons (twins, age 7, and the baby of the family, age 3), three cats and two dogs ... and spend a tremendous amount of time at the ball diamond watching their son play for the Kansas Senators.

Caitlin Thompson

Director, Member Services + Kansas Pharmacists Recovery Network

Caitlin has been with KPhA since 2020 and is the voice members hear when their membership is overdue. She coordinates participants in the Kansas Pharmacists Recovery Network and the Committee on Impaired Pharmacy Practice, which oversees the program. Caitlin also is involved as a leader in Scouts BSA, recently completing Wood Badge requirements. She and husband, Brian Jones, live in Topeka. They have two children, two dogs and two cats.

Beatriz Solis-Soto

Administrative Assistant

Beatriz joined KPhA in 2024 and works closely with membership and on other projects. She is from Topeka.

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