The Association shall have an Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Nominations Committee and other committees as needed and directed by the Board of Directors. Ad hoc committees may be appointed at the direction of the President of the Board.
The Executive Board Committee will be composed of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, and the Treasurer. The Association’s Executive Director shall serve on the Board's Executive Committee in an advisory capacity. The Board President shall serve as the chair.
The Executive Committee may act for the Board between meetings as required for the orderly conduct of Association business. Such actions shall be ratified by the full Board at its next regular meeting. The Executive Committee is not empowered to:
The Association’s standing committees shall include a Finance and Nominations Committee. Other standing committees may be established by a majority vote of the Board upon recommendation of the Executive Committee. Each standing committee will be required to have a policy and annual charges to remain an active committee. A standing committee can be dissolved by a majority vote of the Board.
Any qualified member may serve on a committee. The President-elect will present a slate of "at-large" committee members, selected from the Association’s members in good standing so long as the individual has a record of interest in the mission and purposes of the Association and is able to actively participate in committee meetings and related activities. The slate of nominees to committees will be presented to the Board. The Board, by simple majority vote of those present, may accept the slate of candidates. Any appointee may be pulled from the slate by a motion and a second, then a majority vote of Board members.
The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Association's Executive Board Officers with the Treasurer serving as chair. The President may appoint other Board members as needed to meet the goals of the Committee.
The Nominations Committee shall be composed of the Association's Officers and general membership with the Immediate Past President serving as chair. Individuals seeking elected offices within the Association will not be eligible to serve in the year of their bid for election. The President may appoint other Board members as needed to meet the goals of the Committee.
The composition of all other committees established by the Board shall be determined at the discretion of the Board of Directors considering the purpose, function, and practical requirements for participation. The Board will endeavor to appoint committee members from diverse practice settings and geographic locations. The Board may solicit recommendations for committee membership from the Academies and Councils. A general application is available here with appointments made each summer, but if a committee has an opening, it may be filled mid-year - please email to request an off-season appointment.
Review, develop and recommend legislation and political positions to the Board of Directors that furthers the goals and objectives of KPhA and/or is in the best interest of KPhA and its members.
To provide CE topic suggestions and speaker information for the year. To oversee Annual Meeting CE and event planning providing ideas, speakers, and event suggestions to KPhA staff and assist with the organization of the weekend events for KPhA Annual Meeting each August. Works in conjunction with the Kansas Pharmacy Foundation Research/Education Committee.
To increase membership recruitment and retention, improve membership communication and oversee, select, and recommend the winners of annual KPhA awards.
Professional Affairs Committee
Develop and recommend educational programming, best practices, and legislative agenda items regarding contemporary pharmacy practice in alignment with the strategic plan of the Association.
To review and recommend clinical revenue generating opportunites for Kansas pharmacists and pharmacies through grant work and CPESN collaboration.
Directs PAC funds for the association to advocate on behalf of KPhA's members. The PAC committee membership is comprised of top donors to the PAC each year.
Unless stipulated otherwise upon appointment, the terms of all Committee Chairpersons and Members shall be one (1) year or until successors are elected or appointed. Terms shall begin at Annual Meeting and be reassigned with each Annual Meeting. The Committee Chair and Members shall be eligible for reappointment and may serve an unlimited number of consecutive or non-consecutive terms, regardless of whether they are partial or complete terms.
Committees act in an advisory capacity and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Committees do not have the authority to bind the Association or speak for the Association, unless the Board, by resolution authorizes the Committee to do so.
Preserving, protecting and advancing Kansas pharmacy practice through education, engagement, and advocacy.
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