KPhA has added two opportunties for pharmacists to learn about adding point of care test & treat services to their pharmacies. The first of these webinar opportunities will be on Sept. 19 starting at 8:30 a.m. Grant funding for this session allows KPhA to offer this for free to members and $80 for non-members (an $89 value!).
The second session will be on Oct. 6, also starting at 8:30 a.m. Pricing for this session is $89 for members and $169 for non-members.
These courses are intended to meet the requirements of the Kansas Board of Pharmacy’s statewide protocols for point of care test & treat services, including influenza, streptococcal pharyngitis, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections. They provide an overview of point of care testing workflow, products, test types, and counseling points. Opportunities for reimbursement for these services will be presented and evaluated.
Preserving, protecting and advancing Kansas pharmacy practice through education, engagement, and advocacy.
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