During the 2016 Kansas Legislative Session, Sub for Senate Bill 103 or our "MAC Transparency Law" was passed by the Kansas Legislature and signed into law by the Governor. The question you may have is how does this legislation affect you and your pharmacy profitability?
As we've previously written, this legislation has some specific requirements for pharmacy benefit management companies to follow:
Other key provisions of the bill can be read in this short summary. During the legislative process, KPhA made it known to the legislature that there were no enforcement mechanisms in this legislation, hence no incentives for the PBMs to follow the law. Key legislators acknowledged that fact and told us that if PBMs did not follow the legislation that they would consider adding enforcement mechanisms during the next (2017) legislative session.
It is difficult for us to gauge how effective this legislation has been so far. KPhA has received information on shortcomings by the PBMs from only three pharmacies. We can evaluate the effectiveness of this important legislation only through data provided by you. If you feel that a PBM is not complying with the law, we have created a form to assist you in capturing data to show this fact. It is extremely important that data be provided, because data is the only means by which we can show a legal enforcement mechanism is necessary. Pharmacy Services Administrative Organizations (PSAO) in many cases are able to assist you in quickly and easily retrieving this data. Request that your PSAO provide you this data and forward it to KPhA.
The forms that we have created are available at right. We also welcome data provided in a format created by your PSAO. Please be sure that there is no personally identifiable information submitted. The information captured by pharmacies and presented in these forms will help KPhA in the future if further legislative action needs to be taken.
Contact the KPhA office if you have any questions.
SB200 was signed in April 2022 and became law in July 2022. The statewide protocols were written by the Kansas Board of Pharmacy's Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM) committee, which is comprised of three pharmacists and three physicians. The CDTM meetings are open to the public - check here for upcoming meetings.
As of June 2023, protocols have been approved for flue, strep A, and uncomplicated UTI. There are separate protocols for adults and pediatrics for flue and strep, which are published and available on the board's website. Please carefully read through the protocols as well as the Board's FAQ document before starting any new clinical service.
Preserving, protecting and advancing Kansas pharmacy practice through education, engagement, and advocacy.
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