By Trenton Thiede, PharmD, MBA
President at PAAS National®
As part of the Inflation Reduction Act, all Medicare prescription drug plans (Medicare Part D plans) – including both standalone Medicare prescription drug plans and Medicare Advantage (MA) plans with prescription drug coverage - will be required to offer the Medicare Prescription Payment Plans (MPPP or M3P). This option allows patients to manage their copays and deductibles evenly throughout the year, benefiting those facing high drug costs early in the year.
While participation is optional, enrolled patients will have a $0 copay at the pharmacy and will receive a monthly bill from their Part D or Advantage Plan, which features 0% interest and no fees. Patients can choose to enroll or opt out of the program at any time. Enrollment can be completed via phone, mail, or website of their selected Medicare Plan Sponsor. However, if patients fail to pay their bill by the end of the grace period (typically 60 days), they may be automatically opted out. It’s important to note that pharmacies are not responsible for enrolling patients or collecting payments on an M3P bill (nor are pharmacies able to enroll patients).
Starting Jan. 1, 2025, if a prescription copay for a Medicare beneficiary exceeds $600, Plan Sponsors (via CMS directive) will require the pharmacy to provide the patient with the standard “Likely to Benefit” Notice1 (CMS Form 10882). The notification to issue this notice will be sent as an online adjudication response Approved Message Code 056 from the PBM, indicating that the patient is “likely to benefit” from the M3P. Since the patient needs to contact the plan to enroll, it won’t happen real time at the pharmacy counter. If the patient wants to opt in prior to picking up the prescriptions, they will need to return to the pharmacy at a later time once they have successfully enrolled.
Once enrolled, all unsold prescriptions should be reversed and reprocessed to the Part D/MA plan, any secondary payor and then the M3P (i.e., the date of service should be the same for the Part D claim, any secondary payor [when applicable] and the M3P transaction). Prescriptions that were sold before opting in does not need to be submitted to the M3P processor, as the patient has already paid the copay.
If the patient has already opted in but does not have their M3P plan information, pharmacies can retrieve the necessary processing details by adjudicating a claim and checking for Approval Message Code 057. CMS mandates that all PCNs for M3P begin with “MPPP”. Paid claim responses will include M3P processing details in the “Coordination of Benefits/Other Payors” segment of the claim information. Note the M3P processing information will not be found in the E1 eligibility response.
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